Museum Park is located on the site of the former “Bicentennial Park” that essentially isolated a portion of the Downtown Miami urban fabric from its waterfront. Approximately twenty acres in size, the park sits at the terminus of Government Cut, the City’s waterway axis from the Atlantic Ocean. This open space is one of the rare opportunities to publicly access the waterfront in Miami. The original master plan of the park, conceived together with the proposed Perez Art Miami Museum and the Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum, included design features such as a pedestrian promenade and garden rooms at the Park/Museum interface, a palm-lined Baywalk, interactive fountains, a large earthwork and coastal hammocks. The design was programmed to accommodate both active and passive recreation, with play fields, playgrounds and native planting fields with meandering pathways. Savino & Miller provided consultation for Master Site Planning, paving materials and site furniture selection, and was the landscape architect responsible for the park’s planting and irrigation improvements.
Cooper Robertson & Partners
Renderings by Civitas